标题:„Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung“: Die Perspektive der Eltern gegenüber Regulierungsmaßnahmen für eingebettete Werbeformen in Film und Fernsehen
摘要:Children are frequently exposed to embedded persuasive messages such as product placements (PP). And even though parents significantly affect the consumer socialization of their children, to this day, no special consideration has been given to the parents’ perspectives toward this advertising technique and the corresponding governmental regulatory measures. The few existing results in this research area show that parents have a critical stance toward PP. Furthermore, they deem that children’s programs have to be regulated more extensively. Two surveys examined the desire for regulatory measures of parents, their attitudes toward the existing regulation through disclosures and their evaluations of the practical implementation of this policy. The results indicated that parents would prefer a total ban of PP in media content targeted at children over the existing policy of PP disclosures. Parental preferences of regulatory measures, their attitudes towards the existing policy, as well as their evaluations of the practical implementation are related to parental attributes such as their style of advertising mediation. The results also showed that parents are limited in their abilities to socialize their children in terms of PP. Most importantly, however, the existing regulation through PP disclosures may not serve as a support for fostering children’s persuasion knowledge for all parents equally.