出版社:Science Park Research Organization and Counselling LTD
摘要:This paper is mainly about the digital reputation of universities, the correlation between the productivity of the universities and the reputation of the knowledge produced in the universities. Paper starts with the affect of social media and other web 2.0 entities on the universities and education. In the second part the difficulty of measuring knowledge level is discussed and problem is defined in a two dimensions including big data problems, together with the knowledge level. The third part discusses the concept of knowledge shareholders and the impact of reputation to the knowledge shareholders. Finally a methodology for correlating the online reputation of the universities and the reputation of knowledge produced in the universities. The data sources, methodology and results are published. As a result, there is a high level of correlation, about 80%, between the digital reputations of universities and reputation of the knowledge produced in the universities. The study also splits universities into two groups as the public and private universities and the correlation factor of public universities is a bit higher than the private universities.
关键词:Higher Education; Knowledge Mangement; Digital Reputation; Universities; Turkey; Web-o-metrics.