摘要:This research study about low achievement of psychology students academic year 2008 in p s ycho diagnosti c 1 class. Based on interview, students have low achievement because of many factors such as learning motivation, attitude toward lectures, and intelegence level. Popula tion are students at psychology faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung registered in academic year 2008 and taking psychodiagnostic 1 class. “Simple random s ampling” represent population. Research design used par tial correlation. Result shows that correlation between IQ, learning motivation and attitude toward lecturer is r = 0,551. It is concluded that correlation between those variables is signifi cant. Correlation values from each variables are 0, 478 for IQ , 0, 029 for learning motivation and 0, 268 for attitude towardlectures.
其他摘要:This research study about low achievement of psychology students academic year 2008 in p s ycho diagnosti c 1 class. Based on interview, students have low achievement because of many factors such as learning motivation, attitude toward lectures, and intelegence level. Popula tion are students at psychology faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung registered in academic year 2008 and taking psychodiagnostic 1 class. “Simple random s ampling” represent population. Research design used par tial correlation. Result shows that correlation between IQ, learning motivation and attitude toward lecturer is r = 0,551. It is concluded that correlation between those variables is signifi cant. Correlation values from each variables are 0, 478 for IQ , 0, 029 for learning motivation and 0, 268 for attitude towardlectures.
关键词:IQ; learning motivation; attitudes; and achievement
其他关键词:IQ; learning motivation; attitudes; and achievement