The study aims to outline the causes of avoidance in distance education, discussing the (Counter) points and throwing light on the problem. Although there are many studies and refined discourses on the causes of evasion, we perceive a distancing by training institutions from the problems of evasion, which leads to a decrease or lack of responsibility, given the tendency to attribute their causes to psychological dimensions of the student or the (in) communicability between the subjects involved or even the normatively ordered (dis) continuities. The effort of this research consists in giving visibility to the set of dissertations and theses produced on the evasion in the EaD. It is a question of mapping these productions with the descriptors Evasion EaD in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, by means of an advanced search, considering the period of publication from 2007 to 2017. About this theme, we obtained seventy-two results, of which sixty-eight papers were part of the investigative corpus of data production. It is understood that although EaD is evaluated as a management model conducive to social demands, it is strongly influenced by market interests, which requires constant re-evaluations for an effective process of (re) construction of knowledge and methodologies, to reduce the rates of evasion (inclusion / exclusion strain) in the EaD. The study pointed out several common factors to avoidance, presenting counterpoints in the sense of using traditional means in a virtualized way, and proposals for improvement in processes via distance learning, considering the limits of studying distance, the need not to confuse flexibility with ease for evaluation of students.