摘要:The susceptibility of thymocytes from STS/A to radiation-induced cell death was compared with that of thymocytes from BALB/cHeA. After in vitro exposure to 12 Gy X-ray, thymocytes were incubated at 37°C for 8 h and then cell mortality was assessed by 0.02% erythrosin B exclusion. Cell death took place from 2 h in the incubation period, reaching a maximum at 6 h for both strains. The dose-effect on cell death at 4 h of incubation was examined after 1-24 Gy of X-irradiation. An increase in cell death was detectable even at 1 Gy in both strains. The number of dead cells in BALB/cHeA gradually increased with doses of more than 1 Gy, finally to a maximum (approximately 60%) in the dose range of 8-12 Gy, whereas the maximum cell death in STS/A was approximately 40%. The difference between the strains at maximum cell death was significant (P<0.005). The difference in the radiosensitivity of thymocytes between the two strains could not be attributed to a difference in the composition of their subpopulations because flow cytometric analysis based on the expression of CD4 and CD8 showed no intrinsic difference in the thymocyte subpopulations of BALB/cHeA and STS/A.