摘要:The uranium solution in the precipitation tank in the JCO's uranium conversion facility was analyzed in order to evaluate the total number of fissions in the criticality accident. Two analytical groups at JAERI performed chemical analyses independently in order to check the validity of the results: the concentration of the fission products ( 95 Zr, 99 Mo, 103 Ru, 131 I, 140 Ba, etc), uranium, boron and impurity elements in the solution. The analytical results obtained by the two groups were almost in agreement within the analytical error. The number of fissions per one gram of uranium in the accident was determined to be (1.5±0.1)×10 14 . Also, the total number of events was evaluated to be (2.5±0.1)×10 18 fissions using the total amount of uranium (16.6 kg) fed into the precipitation tank at the accident.
关键词:JCO criticality accident; Analysis; Total number of fissions; Uranium; Fission products