摘要:This study reports gamma-ray doses measured using thermoluminescence (TL) dosimetry of atomic-bombexposed ceramic samples from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Advances in the dosimetry of TL-sensitive minerals in the field of TL dating of archaeological and geological materials made it possible to measure a radiation dose of 10 -2 Gy. Ceramic samples such as tiles and bricks were collected from locations between 523 and 2, 453 m from the hypocenter in Hiroshima and from between 731 and 1, 565 m in Nagasaki. The gamma-ray dose estimates derived from these samples are compared with estimates from DS86. A significant discrepancy was noted between the doses measured for samples from Hiroshima and DS86 values. One possible cause of this discrepancy might be a secondary gamma-ray dose related to the neutron dose.
关键词:Thermoluminescence dosimetry; Gamma rays; Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Atomic bomb