摘要:Computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fusion is considered to be the best method for postimplant dosimetry of permanent prostate brachytherapy; however, it is inconvenient and costly. In T2*-weighted image (T2*-WI), seeds can be easily detected without the use of an intravenous contrast material. We present a novel method for postimplant dosimetry using T2*-WI/T2-weighted image (T2-WI) fusion. We compared the outcomes of T2*-WI/T2-WI fusion-based and CT/T2-WI fusion-based postimplant dosimetry. Between April 2008 and July 2009, 50 consecutive prostate cancer patients underwent brachytherapy. All the patients were treated with 144 Gy of brachytherapy alone. Dose-volume histogram (DVH) parameters (prostate D90, prostate V100, prostate V150, urethral D10, and rectal D2cc) were prospectively compared between T2*-WI/T2-WI fusion-based and CT/T2-WI fusion-based dosimetry. All the DVH parameters estimated by T2*-WI/T2-WI fusion-based dosimetry strongly correlated to those estimated by CT/T2-WI fusion-based dosimetry (0.77 ≤ R ≤ 0.91). No significant difference was observed in these parameters between the two methods, except for prostate V150 ( p = 0.04). These results show that T2*-WI/T2-WI fusion-based dosimetry is comparable or superior to MRI-based dosimetry as previously reported, because no intravenous contrast material is required. For some patients, rather large differences were observed in the value between the 2 methods. We thought these large differences were a result of seed miscounts in T2*-WI and shifts in fusion. Improving the image quality of T2*-WI and the image acquisition speed of T2*-WI and T2-WI may decrease seed miscounts and fusion shifts. Therefore, in the future, T2*-WI/T2-WI fusion may be more useful for postimplant dosimetry of prostate brachytherapy.