首页    期刊浏览 2025年01月21日 星期二


  • 标题:Rasgos comparativos de programas de reenganche formativo y sociolaboral en el ámbito no formal en Gijón (Asturias)
  • 其他标题:Comparative features in the engaging formative & socio-labor programs within the non-formal field in Gijón (Asturias)
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  • 作者:Soraya Calvo González ; Sue Gutiérrez Berciano ; Cristina Bayarri López
  • 期刊名称:Educatio Siglo XXI
  • 印刷版ISSN:1699-2105
  • 电子版ISSN:1989-466X
  • 出版年度:2020
  • 卷号:38
  • 期号:2 Jul-Oct
  • 页码:67-86
  • DOI:10.6018/educatio.414701
  • 摘要:El abandono escolar, producto de un proceso de desenganche progresivo del alumnado a la institución escolar, continúa siendo uno de los ejes prioritarios de estudio e intervención en nuestro sistema educativo. También lo son las diversas trayectorias de reenganche formativo y sociolaboral de jóvenes que abandonaron tempranamente los procesos educativos. El presente artículo se enmarca dentro del proyecto nacional coordinado de I D I “Procesos de re-enganche educativo y sociolaboral de adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad. Estudio de casos e implicaciones socioeducativas” [MINECO-17-EDU2016-76306-C2-2-R]. Destacamos dos objetivos clave del proyecto. Por un lado, conocer características y contextos de implementación de programas de prevención del abandono y re-enganche dirigidos a adolescentes en situación vulnerable que están obteniendo resultados positivos. Por el otro, analizar historias y trayectorias educativas resilientes de jóvenes participantes en programas de diversas instituciones socioeducativas que han logrado superar el proceso con éxito. Este trabajo ofrece un análisis de los rasgos comparativos ─organizativos, de estructura, pedagógicos e institucionales─ de programas de re-enganche exitosos desarrollados en entidades socioeducativas de Gijón (Asturias). Para ello planteamos un enfoque metodológico cualitativo basado en estudios de casos orientados a la descripción. En concreto, presentamos programas contextualizados en entornos diferenciados con el fin de plantear comparaciones. Tras la presentación de los datos trabajados se ofrecerá una discusión y reflexión final destinada a derivar implicaciones de interés para la revisión, mejora y visibilización de los programas exitosos en términos de reenganche.Early school leaving, the result of students’ progressive disengagement with schools, is still one of the main axis of study and intervention in our education system. The different re-engaging training and socio-labour paths that might be designed for youths who dropout from schools are another important field of study and intervention. This article is framed within a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education called “Educational and Socio-Labour Re-engaging Processes of Disadvantaged Young People. Case Studies and Socio-Educational Consequences”. Two objectives are key for our study. On the one hand, to define the characteristics and the prevention contexts of early school leaving and the implementation of successful re-engaging programs for disadvantaged youths. And, on the other hand, to analyse resilient educational personal stories and trajectories of youths who have successfully participated in educational programs. This article provides an analysis of the comparative features—organizational, structural, pedagogical and institutional—of successful re-engaging programs developed in socio-educational institutions in Gijón (Asturias). To this end, we used a qualitative approach based on the description of case studies. More specifically, we compare different re-engaging programs implemented in different contexts. Following the reporting of the data, we present some final considerations from which lines to review, improve and raise awareness on re-engaging programs can be inferred.
  • 其他摘要:Early school leaving, the result of students’ progressive disengagement with schools, is still one of the main axis of study and intervention in our education system. The different re-engaging training and socio-labour paths that might be designed for youths who dropout from schools are another important field of study and intervention. This article is framed within a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education called “Educational and Socio-Labour Re-engaging Processes of Disadvantaged Young People. Case Studies and Socio-Educational Consequences”. Two objectives are key for our study. On the one hand, to define the characteristics and the prevention contexts of early school leaving and the implementation of successful re-engaging programs for disadvantaged youths. And, on the other hand, to analyse resilient educational personal stories and trajectories of youths who have successfully participated in educational programs. This article provides an analysis of the comparative features—organizational, structural, pedagogical and institutional—of successful re-engaging programs developed in socio-educational institutions in Gijón (Asturias). To this end, we used a qualitative approach based on the description of case studies. More specifically, we compare different re-engaging programs implemented in different contexts. Following the reporting of the data, we present some final considerations from which lines to review, improve and raise awareness on re-engaging programs can be inferred.
  • 关键词:Fracaso escolar; programas de reenganche; organizaciones no gubernamentales; joven y éxito.
  • 其他关键词:Early school leaving; re-engaging programs; NGO; youth and success