期刊名称:Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
摘要:Abstract. Since 1960s, Artificial Recharge has been adopted to control the geological disaster of land subsidence in Shanghai. The water source to recharge to the confined aquifer meet the Standard for Drinking Water Quality which comes from the Huangpu River or Yangtze River. Thinking the difference between the primary environment of deep confined aquifer and the surface water, the recharge will exert an impact on the quality of groundwater in the deep confined aquifer, as well as to obtain satisfactory effects of land subsidence prevention.This paper focused on the change rules of the elements such as Cl based on long term tracking and monitoring data from one artificial recharge testing field. And research the solute transport characteristics in deep confined aquifer during artificial recharge. On the bases of these analysis, this paper presented the degree and scope of influence to deep confined aquifer in the process of artificial recharge.