出版社:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts)
摘要:Ni nedolžne literature. Literatura nastane iz ljubezni, iz sovraštva, zaradi ženske, iz ideje, zaradi nepravičnosti, v upanju, kot hvala ali kot graja, toda menim, da nikoli ni bilo izključene, čiste, odmaknjene literature. Literatura ne more sama sebe izgnati iz življenja in lastne zgodbe. (Manuel Cofiño,1985: 9697) Nedolžne literature resnično ni, in Cofiño López ni izjema. Jasno razločevanje med magičnim in resničnostjo, nevednostjo in omiko, preteklostjo in sedanjostjo v La última mujer y el próximo combate prikaže z določenim namenom. Avtor predpostavi, da se je nujno otresti nekdanjih prepričanj,če želimo napredovati. Neodjenljiva vez med magičnostjo in resničnostjo revolucije je prisotna v številnih romanih o kubanski revoluciji. Priča smo soočenju med njima, pa tudi soočenju med preteklostjo in sedanjostjo. Toda ugotovimo, da je magično vseprisotno, in povsem združljivo z revolucijo. Ni napak verjeti v zgodbe, sicer značilne za magični realizem. Zmota je na strani revolucije in avtorjev, ki pišejo o njej ker poskuša ljudi prikrajšati za magičnost vraževerja in verovanja, saj slednje ni v nasprotju z napredkom. Je del njihovega življenja in njihove kulture, nekaj, kar je potrebno spoštovati.
其他摘要:There is no innocent literature. Literature is made by love, by hate, by a woman, by an idea, by an injustice, by a hope, to praise or to criticize, but I think literature has never been isolated, pure, detached. [...] Literature cannot escape life and history (Manuel Cofiño Lopez, 1985: 9697). Cofiño Lopezs own literature is no exception. The clear contrast that he presents in The Last Woman and the upcoming battle between magic and reality, ignorance and culture, past and present has a purpose. The author raises the need to end with the old beliefs in order to progress.This inextricable link between magic and reality of the Revolution is present in several novels of the Cuban Revolution. It shows how the two interact, as well as how past and present intermingle. Moreover, we find that magic is present throughout, and is fully compatible with the Revolution. This does not make it erroneous to believe in the stories of Magic Realism. It is a mistake on the part of the revolution and those who write about it for attempting to deny people the magic of their superstitions and beliefs, since magic is not the enemy of progress. They are part of their lives and their culture, and are something that should be respected.
关键词:magično; resnično; Kuba; književnost; revolucija; Manuel Cofiño López; Manuel Pereira
其他关键词:Magic; reality; Cuba; Literature; revolution; Manuel Cofiño López; Manuel Pereira;