出版社:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts)
摘要:Med Cervantesom in Borgesom – pomembnima pisateljema, a tudi pesnikoma – sta se zgodili dve temeljiti prenovi pesniškega jezika v španščini: izvršili sta se skozi pesniško delo Luisa de Góngore in Rubena Daría. Prva se je zgodila na Iberskem polotoku, druga v Ameriki. Obe predstavljata, skupaj z Garcilasovo revolucijo v renesansi, vrhova preobrazbe pesniškega jezika v španščini. Na primeru izbranih pesmi Luisa de Góngore in Rubena Daría skušamo v prispevku pokazati, kako sta pesnika bistveno doprinesla k razvoju pesniškega izraza v kastiljščini, pa tudi poudariti, da je liriko, pisano v španskem jeziku na eni in drugi strani Atlantika, treba dojemati kot razsežno pomensko enoto. Na podlagi analize prihajamo do zaključka, da je pesniško delo obeh avtorjev močno zaznamovalo španski pesniški posluh in imelo velik vpliv na oba bregova jezika. Od tu dalje je mogoče bolje razumeti, kakšne so značilnosti španskega pesniškega posluha v sodobnem času, ki mineva že po Borgesu.
其他摘要:Between Cervantes and Borges – important narrators but also poets – two profound renewals of Spanish poetic language took place: one by Luis de Góngora and the other by Ruben Darío. The first one occurred in the Iberian Peninsula and the other in America. Both represent, along with Garcilaso’s revolution in the Renaissance, the most significant transformations of the Spanish poetic language. Our intention is to show, discussing one poem by Góngora and one by Darío, the essential contribution of these authors to the evolution of poetic expression in the Castilian language, as well as to emphasize the need to consider Hispanic poetry written on both sides of the Atlantic as a vast unity of meaning. We conclude that the poetic work of both poets has decidedly marked poetic sensibilities in Spanish and has had a great influence on in the Spanish speaking world on both sides of the Atlantic. One can also understand better in the light of these poets’ contributions the qualities of Spanish poetic language in the post-Borges era.
关键词:poezija v španskem jeziku; Luis de Góngora; Rubén Darío; prenova pesniškega jezika
其他关键词:Spanish poetry; Luis de Góngora; Rubén Darío; renovation of the poetic language