期刊名称:Candrasangkala: Journal of Education and History
出版社:Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
摘要:This research aims to find the role of locality in the revolution period. As we know that revolution period was a period that was quite important for the history of the nation because many areas are involved in this important event. The research method used is historical methods that include, heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Based on the research conducted that during the period of Indonesia's independence revolution, Kuningan had a central role in the struggle to maintain the sovereignty of the country in the eastern region of West Java, especially the Karesidenan Cirebon. Kuningan in particular Ciwaru has a stake in the struggle for independence which is the capital of refugee from the Karesidenan Cirebon government after being bombarded the center of government in Cirebon by the events of the first Dutch Military Aggression. In addition there are also wars involving civilians with the formation special troops in Kuningan. As a place of refuge in the civil administration, the Karesidenan Cirebon certainly made Kuningan as a battleground that was quite powerful in the eastern region of West Java.
关键词:Revolution;Ciwaru;Kuningan;Karesidenan Cirebon