摘要:Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang ditujukan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar interaktif multi representasi pada materi geometri untuk siswa kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa (SMPLB) Tunarungu yang layak dalam hal kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifannya. Untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar tersebut, model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Subjek uji coba penelitian adalah 10 siswa kelas VII SMPLB di salah satu SLB Negeri di Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas: (1) lembar validasi materi, kebahasaan, penyajian, dan kegrafikan untuk menilai kevalidan; (2) angket respons guru dan siswa untuk menilai kepraktisan; dan (3) tes hasil belajar untuk menilai keefektifan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahan ajar interaktif multi representasi yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berada pada kriteria valid. Hasil analisis angket respons guru dan siswa berturut-turut menunjukkan bahwa kepraktisan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berada pada kriteria sangat tinggi dan tinggi. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan juga memenuhi kriteria keefektifan, di mana sebanyak 90% subjek uji coba memperoleh skor tidak kurang dari 76 pada tes hasil belajar. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan layak digunakan untuk mendukung dan memfasilitasi siswa tunarungu dalam belajar geometri.Development of interactive multi-representational teaching material on geometry topic for 7th-grade hearing-impaired students of special junior high schoolAbstractThis study was development research which was aimed to produce an interactive learning material with a multi representation approach in the topic of geometry for the 7th-grade hearing-impaired students of Special Junior High School (Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa or SMPLB) which was feasible in terms of its validity, practicality, and effectiveness. To produce interactive learning material, the development model of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) was used. The trial subjects were ten 7th graders of SMPLB in one of the public special schools in Buleleng Regency, Bali, Indonesia. The instruments which were used comprised of: (1) validation sheet of language, layout, and graphical to assess the validity; (2) teacher and students response questionnaires to assess the practicality; and (3) test of learning achievement to assess the effectiveness of the developed learning material. This study yielded an interactive learning material that was valid, practical, and effective. The results of validation showed that the developed learning material at valid criteria. The results of the teacher and student response questionnaire consecutively showed that the practicality of developed learning material at the very high and high practical criteria. The developed learning material also meets the effectiveness criteria, in which as many as 90% of the trial subjects got score not less than 76 at the test of learning achievement. Consequently, it can be concluded that the developed learning material was feasible to use to support and facilitate the hearing-impaired students in learning geometry.
关键词:Pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif;Multi representasi;Siswa tunarungu;Development of Interactive learning material;Multi representation;Hearing-impaired student.