出版社:Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
摘要:This research examines the influence of the administration service quality toward
students’ satisfaction in Islamic Junior High School 1 Model Palembang. This research
includes the total population of 283 students of grade VIII. Therefore, based on Slovin
formula, there are 74 students involved as the research samples. The data is analysed
using quantitative method namely doubled linear regression. Meanwhile, the testing
stages include classical assumption (Multicolinearity, heteroskedatisidas, and
normality testing). In classical assumption test, multicolinearity free regression model
appears while heteroskedatisidas does not occur. It is mormally distributed. Therefore,
based on the classical assumption, the doubled linear regression can be utilized in this
research. The result shows that the regression is Y = 9.961 + (-0.065) X1+ 0.152 X2 +
0.074 X3+ 0.459 X4 + 0.000 X5, and Fcount = 4,283 sig 0,002 < 0,05. Therefore it can be
understood that the quality of the administration service which includes physical
evidence, assurance, emphaty, excellence, and responsiveness clearly influences
students’ satisfaction in which the emphaty (X4) serves as the highest contributing
factors with t count= 0,410 sig 0,00 < 0,05.