摘要:This study aimed to determine librarian Universitas Gadjah Mada contribution at journal "Media Informasi". Quantitative descriptive approach were used in this study, and data were collected by documentation technique. The subject of this study are "Media Informasi" published in 1996-2012, all the articles and authors as an objects. The analysisd ata based on the percentage provided on the table. The results showed that the Media Informasi published in 1996-2012, there are 76.53% authors from UGM and 23.57% from outside the UGM. Articles topics of librarian (library human resources) earned the highest ranking (23.95%), and the topic of library institutionsin the second rank (22.39%) While the contributiono the author is still around "the author contributed one article", however there is an author who contributed almost 20 articles in that publication period.