摘要:This paper descibes the implementation of Law Information and Documentation System on Government ofYogyakarta Special Territory base on the Man Power Capability (Xl) technology (X2), organization climate (X3), commitments of group member (X4) and leadership style (X5). The results show thqt man power capability (Xl) does not influence significantly to effectivenessw, hile technologt (X2), organization climate (X3), commitmentso f group member (X4) and leadership style (X5) have influence on ffictiveness significantly although in the range of low to middle value. Leadership style (X5) of the leader in the Documentation and Information Network System (DINS) unit through analysis by using product moment and multiple linier regression prove thqt it has a great influence on effectiveness so whether the Documentation and Information Network System (DINS) on Government of Yogtaknrta Special Tbrritory is effective or not depends on leadership style of the leader.