摘要:This study aimed to investigate the influence of social support from family, supervisor, and co-workers toward the resilient self-efficacy of SEN teachers in Surabaya. This study involved 94 SEN teachers from Special Educational Needs school in Surabaya. The study used social support measures and resilient self-efficacy scale. Multiple regression analysis showed that social support from family, supervisor, and co-workers significantly influenced SEN teachers’ resilient self-efficacy (F = 28,052; p<0,05). These supports gave effective contribution to resilient self-efficacy as much as 48,3% (R²=0,483). Hypothesis testing also showed that each source of support significantly influenced SEN teachers’ resilient self-efficacy. Therefore, social support from family, supervisors, and coworkers influenced the resilient self-efficacy of SEN teachers, whether they are given simultaneously or separately.
关键词:dukungan sosial keluarga; dukungan sosial atasan; dukungan sosial rekan kerja; guru SLB; resilient self-efficacy