摘要:In Primary School reading competence is a fundamental part of linguistic communication competence. And it has
also been determined that its development in the early stages of education favors the academic success of students.
Considering these ideas, a pilot study limited to one educational centre was carried out, a transversal cut, using a
survey of closed-ended questions, on the value of the family in the development of the reading habit, investigating
and showing the implications of this in the development policy of the Reading Plan and analysing whether this
implication influenced the academic results of the students. This survey was administered to a sample of 51
students in the third year of Primary school. The management of the centre and the coordinators of the section
were also interviewed. Once the results were obtained, the data obtained corroborated that the reading habit of the
students is associated above all with school tasks and not so much with the taste or pleasure of reading in leisure
time. It has also been determined that the attitude of the family has a clear influence on the development of the
reading habit. And, finally, it could be verified that the academic performance of the students was related to this
habit. It concludes with an emphasis on the necessary training of teachers to encourage the students' reading habits
and family involvement in the Reading Plan.