摘要:This paper provides a compositional semantics for the Japanese Q-particle ka that properly accounts for its use in questions, indefinites and disjunctions in a unified fashion. Adopting the two-tier alternative semantics (Rooth 1985; Beck 2006), I will propose that the role of the ka -particle is always to project a set of alternatives introduced by the wh -item in the alternative-semantic dimension to the ordinary-semantic dimension (Kotek 2014). Unlike in previous analyses, I will adopt this semantics for the Q-particle not only for its clause- final use, but also for clause- internal use. Combining this with the cross-categorial existential closure, the analysis accounts for how the interpretation of a ka -ending phrase is conditioned by its syntactic environments. This mechanism enables an account of the previously unexplained parallelism between wh + ka and ka -disjunctions in their variability in interpretations.
关键词:Q-particle; ka; wh-indefinites; wh-questions; alternative questions; disjunctions