摘要:The article presents an analysis of information indicating the application of a technique of deliberate fragmentation of previously crafted and used flint objects by the population of the extreme North-East of Europe in the Neolithic. The stone industry of Pezmogty 3 A site with pit-combed ceramics of the Middle Neolithic specialized in the production of the so-called "thin bifaces" – arrowheads, knives and perforators with double-sided retouching. Identification of the characteristics features of a technique involving intentional fragmentation of finished implements and fractured blanks required the execution of a comprehensive study of the flint inventory including the investigation of artifact morphology, traceological (functional) analysis of the surface, as well as remontage and technological analysis. The functional purpose of 33 % of total secondary fractured implements could not be determined, The majority of implements with identified functional purpose are burins and small burins (44 %), followed by scrapers and chisels (8.4–8.5 %) with only a few perforators and hide-scrapers. The authors suggest that the technique of intentional fragmentation of implements and fractured blanks cannot represent a determinant cultural or chronological indicator, but it is rather significant for the investigation of the dynamics of stone industries and general life-support systems of Stone Age communities.
关键词:archaeology;Neolithic;the extreme North-East of Europe;stone industry;technology;technical method;remontage;