摘要:The results of the 2010 salvage and conservation archaeological research in the territory of the Bolgar fortified site, conducted in the construction zone of the so-called “Memorial Plaque” (excavation trench CXLVIII) are presented in the article. The horizons referring to the second half of the pre-Mongol period (the 11th to first third of the 12th century); the earlier (the mid-13th through to the early 14th century), and the later (the mid-14th – early 15th cc.) Golden Horde periods have been recorded on the site. A few constructions referring to different periods have been opened, which can probably be regarded as the remnants of a 14th century homestead. Remnants of a small production furnace for melting non-ferrous metals and a kiln have been identified. Traces of bone-carving production have been found. Numerous fragments of pottery dated to the Golden Horde period have been revealed. Of particular interest is a Celadon dish with hieroglyphic inscription, probably a Korean-made one. The finds of copper and silver coins date from the mid- to the second half of 14th century.
关键词:archaeology;the Middle Volga river region;the Middle Ages;Bolgar fortified site;pre-Mongol period;Golden Horde period;salvage and conservation archaeological research;craftsman’s homestead;