摘要:The purpose of this study is to know how the characteristics of authorship, authors involvement, andcharacteristics of the articles in the Jurnal Psikologi UGM 1976-2015 period. In this descriptivequantitative study, data were collected by documentation method. Jurnal Psikologi UGM is researchsubject, and all of article in the journal is unit analysis. Data were collected by documentation methodwhile the data were analyze by the percentage formula and presented by table of frequency.As many as53 numbers of Journal of Psychology UGM were collected. The results showed percentage of womenauthor are(60,12%) higher than men.Most of them are lecturer(52,95%) and college students (35,30%),from the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada(62,30%) and the other (37,70%).Educationlevel of writer, post graduate(80%) higher than bachelor (20%).Joint authorship (56,88%) are higherthan single authorship(43,11%), with the collaboration level of 0,56. Highest frequency the involvementof the authors is Faturochman as many as 16 articles. Most articles use Indonesian language (92,96%),and the rest in English. Long of article between 11-15 pages (41,9%) highest. Based on subject, Clinicaland Counseling Psychology (25,5%) highest,and then Social Psychology (25,1%),EducationalPsychology and Psychometrics (24,5%).Based on research methods of article, 67,22% articles usingquantitative survey methods.