摘要:The paper discusses peripheral, or “marginal” katoikonyms (names of city inhabitants). Such names are formed either spontaneously, using productive formants, or following a pattern unusual for katoykonims, e.g. using wordplay (the way of name formation chiefly depends on the nominator’s intentions). Along with occasional katoikonyms, whose use can be explained by the nominator’s ignorance of the traditional variants of names, the author distinguishes “marginal” names that are used systematically. The latter include&58; 1) jocular katoikonyms used in jokes and anecdotes (e.g. krivorozhitsa, lit. &60;crook-faced female&62;, instead of krivorozhanka ‘female inhabitant of Krivoi Rog’) or for intentional jocular naming (e.g. yaitsy, similar to colloquial yaitsy ‘eggs’, instead of yaichane ‘inhabitants of Yaya’)&59; 2) expressive katoikonyns used both as exonyms and endonyms (e.g. moskvachi instead of moskvichi ‘inhabitants of Moscow’, penziuki instead of penziaki ‘inhabitants of Penza’)&59; 3) katoikonyms created as alternatives to those that already exist in usage (e.g. tamboviane instead of tambovtsy, tambovchane ‘inhabitants of Tambov’). The author shows that the same names, depending on the speech situation and the nominator’s intentions, can be either nonce words or regular jocular items&59; their nature can be detected only on the basis of contextual analysis.
关键词:Russian language; katoikonyms of limited usage; mechanisms of nomination; occasionalisms; wordplay; name usage; word-formation