摘要:Intensive use of oil products for driving vehicles, generating power and many other activities hasmade the world very dependent on this fossil fuel. As this non-renewable energy source becomesscarcer, demands are rising steadily. Research is under way, seeking alternative fuels that slowthis depletion while easing environment stresses caused mainly by burning fossil fuels.Outstanding among these alternatives is biodiesel, a fuel obtained through the transesterification ofplant oils or animal fats and that might well replace petrodiesel. The many advantages of thisrenewable fuel include reducing national dependence on oil while lowering greenhouse gasesemissions, such as CO2. The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of biodiesel on CO2emission levels. The calculations in this paper present the forecasts for petrodiesel consumption inBrazil and the resulting CO2 emissions through to 2020, quantifying the emissions avoided throughadding 2% and 5% methyl biodiesel made from soybeans to gasoline over this period.