标题:El derecho de voto de las personas con discapacidad y, en especial, de las personas con discapacidad psíquica o intelectual en derecho internacional. Su recepción en España
出版社:Centro Español de Documentación sobre Discapacidad (CEDD)
摘要:This study describes the different international treaties and instruments, at universal and regional levels, that protect –directly or indirectly- the right to political participation and the right to vote of all persons with all kind of disabilities. Specifically, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) brings a change in the framework on disability, by proclaiming their right to political participation, and recognizing their legal capacity in equal conditions to the rest of the people. The consequence of this analysis is that Spain must guarantee the right to vote of all persons with disabilities regardless the type of disability (physical, intellectual, mental o sensory), being necessary the adaptation of its domestic laws to international engagements and obligations; therefore, the Spanish authorities are obliged to remove or reform of the article 3 of Electoral General Organic Law.
关键词:Derecho al voto; participación política; personas con discapacidad; recepción; primacía del derecho internacional; igualdad y no discriminación.