摘要:The French musie tragedy, created in the 70. of the 17th century, may be considered against a background of the tradition of the heroic literaturę of the first half of the century. However, the appearance of opera coincides with a generał crisis of consciousness and one of the features of the crisis was the fali of the heroic myth. The aim of the dissertation is to take a closer look at the mechanisms of destruction of the hero, used in Philippe Quinault's musie tragedies. Opera gradually eliminates the traditional vision of love, replacing it with the conception of a devastating passion. In taking the pattern of the hero's choice, appropriate for the heroic vision, it changes the configuration of accents by creating the type of the "pathological hero".
其他摘要:The writing of expositive-explicative and argumentative texts is most difficult in learning French at the advanced level. This is due to the fact that students must have not only a knowledge of language and skills in communication but also (or, perhaps, in the first place) the ability to reason. The difficulties also result from the specific formal-rhetorical nature of the above mentioned types of texts. In this article, we propose to make use of the formal patterns of press texts in order to develop the capacity for cohesive writing in French at the advanced level.