出版社:Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE)
摘要:The stabilization/solidification process (S/S) is one of the alternative treatment of B-3 waste, especially heavy metal.The S/S uses cement as solidification agent.Cement will bind heavy metal pollutants in a monolithic mass with a sturdy structure, will inhibit its movement.The presence of hydrocarbons affecting S/S strength.Therefore, it is necessary to add pozzolan material which can absorb hydrocarbon which is cement blocking component of pozzolan cement used is Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) which is combined with trash soil.This study aims to determine the maximum content of organic materials in the form of hydrocarbons can stabilize/solidify heavy metals contained in wastes containing hydrocarbons.This research is conducted in two steps.Stage I, to obtain the optimum composition of the mixture.Phase II is to determine the maximum content of hydrocarbons in percent weight that can stabilize/solidify organic wastes containing heavy metals Cu, Cr, and Pb in artificial wastes.The composition of OPC and trash soil was varied at a ratio of 100: 0, 5:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0: 100.The hydrocarbons used in step II were paraffin added to the optimum composition of OPC and trashed soil with a proportion of 2.5%, 5%, 5% and 10%.S/S product quality test is performed: compressive strength test, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and paint filter test.Strength-tested test using a compressive strength testing apparatus Toasters Universal Testing Machine Type RAT-200, MFG No.20380 CAP 200 tf.TCLP test under US-EPA (method 1311).Method of analysis of heavy metal concentrations used, namely: colorimetric method for Cr (VI), neocuproine for Cu, and dithizone for Pb.The test paint test refers to the US EPA 9095B method.The results showed that the optimum composition of OPC cement mixture: trash soil was 50:50, which is the composition used in stage II.With the result of compressive strength test is 2770 ton/m2.TCLP test results for heavy metals Cu and Pb with hydrocarbon addition respectively on Cu 10% and Pb 2.5% by 0.076 and 0.076 mg/L.The result of the paint filter test indicates that there is no remaining free fluid.
关键词:heavy metal ; OPC ; stabilization/solidification ; tras soil