出版社:Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE)
摘要:An experiment involving vegetation pots was conducted to assess the effect of inoculating the soil with the Rhizocell C biopreparation, which includes bacteria from the genus Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IT45, on the number and activity of selected groups of soil microorganisms.The biopreparation was applied in strawberries (Fragaria × ananasa Duch.) in a dose recommended by the manufacturer.Microbiological analyses were conducted four times during the vegetation of plants.The obtained results led to a conclusion that the use of biopreparation affects biological activity of soil, and a majority of the observed changes were beneficial.The mean number of the most microorganisms after Rhizocell C biopreparation was higher than in the control object.Soil inoculation had an influence on the activity of microorganisms determined based on biomass content, but the differences were not significant.