出版社:Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE)
摘要:The field experiment was carried out at The Experimental Station of Plant Varieties Protection in Szczecin Dąbie.The experiment aimed at evaluating the influence of slurry with and without increasing doses of PRP FIX preparation on some soil fertility indicators after test plants harvest.Contents of determined macronutrients in the soil were higher in objects where slurry was applied with addition of 8 kg or 12 kg of PRP FIX per 1 m3 as compared to those with exclusively mineral fertilization or slurry.The soil after test plants harvest contained more N, Corg., P, K, Mg, Ca, S, and available forms of P, K, Mg and SO3 in relation to levels before experiment establishment.In general, more soil fertility indicators were recorded in objects treated with the slurry along with PRP FIX preparation and additional PK nutrition (series II) as compared to series I.Differences in macronutrients in the soil due to the fertilization system applied were diverse, however they not always were significant.
关键词:prp fix ; soil ; liquid manure ; total contents macroelement ; absorbable forms