The aim of this study is to examine the use of the non-lexical schwa-like sound öö in everyday Hungarian conversations in the framework of conversation analysis. The occurrences of öö in the corpus show well-definable patterns in relation to the turn and sequence. The vast majority of the occurrences of öö are located right after a clause-initial conjunction inside a turn-constructional unit, well before the transition relevance place. Furthermore, speakers regularly use öö before long, rare, and/or foreign-originated words, as well as in turn-initial position. Among these latter occurrences, the use of öö at the beginning of second pair parts has a special role. The examination of the functions of öö in the above positions shows that the phenomenon plays an important role as a technique in the course of Hungarian speakers’ turn- and sequence-construction. The analysis of the corpus suggests that turn-construction occurs from clause to clause in Hungarian conversations. This highlights the interaction between syntax and language use, and in this way grammar and pragmatics.