Introduction. Do tutors plan the formation of their residents?; and if so, how do they do it?, are there any differences between the content of the training programs of the different specialties and what actually happens in daily practice?, are they trained to plain their teaching from a pedagogical point of view? Subjects and methods. To answer these questions we have developed an exploratory study-descriptive. It has been designed, validated and passed a questionnaire that reflects the views contrasted of tutors and their respective residents. The population is composed by the total of the residents R1 (promotion 2006-2010; n = 57) and R3 (promotion 2004-2007; n = 58) of Familiar and Community Medicine of the Region of Murcia and the total of the population of their respective tutors: tutors of R1 (n = 57) and tutors of R3 (n = 58). In this study there are involved 26 health centers of the three teaching units in the region. The exploitation of the information has been developed through statistical analysis with SPSS software v. 14.0. Results and conclusions. Though in the educational activity of the tutors spontaneity and improvisation are very present, there are important elements of programming which require some knowledge to be extracted and identified because they belong to a practical context of formation. A major satisfaction of the ones involved is recognized when the formative process is more planned.