摘要:This article is an excerpt from the Master's research entitled “Malaise in teacher work in full-time public school” that addresses the complexity of teacher malaise among teachers in the public school system through the Cidadescola Integral Education Program in the municipality of Presidente Prudente.We aimed to investigate and analyze the working conditions of teachers who work full-time in the refered Program.The qualitative approach was used as the methodological design of the study, more specifically, the field research.As instruments of data collection the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview were used.The data analysis procedure was based on the proposal of Miles, Huberman and Saldaña (2014), systematized through 1) data condensation, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing/verification.The results showed that three categories related to teacher working conditions prevailed, namely: teacher participation in the process of implementation of the Cidadescola Integral Education Program; school infrastructure and teacher work development and organizational, social and economic conditions of teachers.We concluded that teacher working conditions at the Cidadescola Program demand some improvement.It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between working conditions and effects on teachers’ health, suffering at work and teachers' quality of life.
关键词:Trabalho docente;Condições de trabalho docente;Escola pública;Educação em tempo integral.