Abstract Open Science represents a new approach to scientifi c work, resulting from the fast development of interactive and collaborative modes of knowledge acquisition, production, and dissemination facilitated by information technologies. The term is used as an “umbrella” encompassing a set of initiatives, including Open Access and Open Data. This paper, with a scientometric approach, uses the Brazilianscientifi c production of articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection during the 2015-2018 period, to investigate the practices of the Brazilian academic community related to Open Access and Open Data. A stable growth of Open Access articles, representing more than a third of the Brazilian scientifi c production in the Web of Science, is observed during that period. Publication in Open Access international mega journals is a prominent practice, particularly, in the Agriculture and Science & Technologies research communities, as well as the deposit in repositories of previously published articles in Open Access journals. Practices related to Open Data still seem incipient; the results suggest that the deposit/use of Open Data repositories predominates in the areas of Science & Technology, Parasitology and Genetics & Heredity.