摘要:The development of regional economy is based on medium and long-term strategies (programs) for economic industrialization. These documents are of a sectoral or integrated nature. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Kamchatka Territory have a scientifically substantiated strategy for the development of the mining industry. Despite its absence in Khabarovsk Territory, subsoil use in recent years has shown a steady growth in mining. The main volume of income comes from gold mining mainly in the northern and central parts of the region. Over the past 10 years, the most economically advantageous and geographically accessible minerals have been identified in the region. These include: coal, gold, platinum, tin, construction materials, groundwater. In the future, it is necessary to plan the development of copper-porphyry, alunite and polymetallic fields. The issues of increasing the resource base of liquid and strategic metals, formation of infrastructure, complexity of the use of mineral wealth and rational use of mineral resources remain problematic. A positive solution to problems is possible when developing and implementing an industry strategy. The basis for its formation is the geological and economic assessment of particular territories of the region.
关键词:Khabarovsk Territor y; industr ialization; go ld; n on-ferrous
metals; fields; resource assessment; economic potential