摘要:The article provides a physiological assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system of students in different periods of the academic year. The study was conducted on a sample of 311 nonresident and Moscow students. An analysis of the spectral characteristics of HRV showed that during the examination session the total power of the spectrum decreased compared with the indicators during the training session. During the intercessional period, the total spectrum power in the studied group of students amounted to 4856.34 ± 645 ms 2 , and during the examination session this indicator decreased by 35.8% and amounted to 3119.41 ± 522 ms 2 . A comparative analysis of the HRV activity wave spectrum of the studied student sample showed significant changes (p <0.05) of students’ functional state indicators (SDNN, LF, HF, LF / HF; SI, ARS). According to the studied indicators, a growth trend was noted: (SDNN: from 43.89 ± 8.12 to 78.03 ± 3.86; LF: 27.78 ± 7.33 42.56 ± 4.51; LF / HF: 0.67 ± 0.03 1.72 ± 0.02; SI: 102.95 ± 11.3 467.77 ± 6.1; ARS: 1-2 ± 0.12 5-7 ± 0.01 ) and a decrease in HF (41.74 ± 5.3 to 24.67 ± 2.94).