摘要:Currently, in most cases, the study of the operability of hydraulic cylinders in terms of their bearing capacity is carried out by means of assessing the longitudinal stability of a compressed rod with the variable cross section. In this case, the inclination of the rod in space is not taken into account. However, during operation, as a rule, a hydraulic cylinder inclined in space due to longitudinal-transverse loading is deformed in the vertical longitudinal plane with the appearance of a full-scale deflection. So, the limit value of the longitudinal compressive force is less than the limit compressive force of a stable rod, which implies that a rod having an initial curvature is more susceptible to bending, appearance of residual deformations in its elements and has less reliability than a straight, vertically arranged one. As the guide elements of the hydraulic cylinder wear out, its total deformation increases, which leads to an increase in longitudinal-transverse loads. With regard to long-stroke hydraulic cylinders, a special danger is their immediate stop in space when the working equipment of the machine meets an insurmountable obstacle. The purpose of the study is a scientifically based description of the areas of functioning of the hydraulic cylinder in the conditions of longitudinal-transverse bending or stability, as well as the boundaries separating them.