摘要:Some manufacturing processes are accompanied by significant noise and vibration. Sources of intense noise and vibration are machines and mechanisms with unbalanced rotating masses, as well as technological installations and apparatuses in which the movement of gases and liquids occurs at high speeds and has a pulsating character. The modern development of technology, equipping enterprises with powerful and fast-moving machines and mechanisms leads to the fact that people are constantly exposed to noise of increasing intensity. Increasing noise and vibration in the workplace has a harmful effect on the human body. As a result of prolonged exposure to noise, the normal activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, digestive and hematopoietic organs is disturbed, and professional hearing loss develops, the progression of which can lead to complete hearing loss.Among industrial hazards, noise and vibration occupy one of the leading places among production hazards. The harmful effects of increased noise levels on the human body are well khown, therefore, the relevance of this problem is obvious.