摘要:The present paper substantiates urgency of studies on early deterioration of pavement layers and on reasons entailing it. The aim was to investigate static and dynamic loads imposed on a road surface by vehicles in order to detect signs of early deterioration of pavement and understand its reasons. Certain tasks were set: to define diagnostic capacity for performing test works on road surface with the use of static and dynamic loading equipment; to carry out an elastic modulus analysis on the basis of static and dynamic loading tests performed; to assess strength properties of flexible pavement. The paper describes methods for determining strength properties of a road surface with the use of special static and dynamic loading equipment. The authors provide data on diagnostic capacity of tests of a pavement performed with the use of special testing equipment. The paper gives a list of potentials, advantages and fundamental features of the following units of equipment: apparatus for plate bearing tests, Dina-3M, UDN-NK, Dynatest apparatus. The main parameters of equipment for dynamic loading tests are provided. The results of both dynamic and static loading tests performed in Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region are given. Deflection bowls and elastic modulus were determined. Coefficients of the dynamic elastic modulus being reduced to the static one were calculated. Strength properties of flexible pavement were assessed.