摘要:The paper deals with certain issues related to the protection and restoration of estate and park complexes located in the territory of the Russian capital. Some legal aspects of this problem are touched upon. Examples include urban capital estates (such as the modernist-style estate owned by industrialists and textile magnates Nosov), as well as country estates formerly centers of local properties owned by representatives of privileged classes of imperial Russia. The history and modern state of the estates of Klenovo, the former estate of the princes of Cherkasy, and Valuevo, which belonged at the beginning of the XIX th century to the county family Musin-Pushkin, and at the end of the XIX th - the beginning of the XX th century belonged to Lepeshkin’s factories, are analyzed in detail. As the main methods, the authors use the method of retrospective analysis of legal sources, media reports, the comparative historical method, and conclusion by analogy.