摘要:Decrease in risk of catastrophic consequences of the geodynamic phenomena of phylum of rock bursts or earthquakes demands the development of prognosis base of these events. Research of laws of formation and development of mesocracking structures on rocks samples is the most effective path of dilating of representations about mechanisms of the geodynamic phenomena and working out of methods of reduction of risks of their catastrophic exhibitings. Mathematical modelling of mesocracking structures of various hierarchical level of geomedium demands, in turn, development of theoretical base of modelling, to transferring to calibrating models of mesomechanics. In this case, of the geomedium is represented as a thermodynamically open hierarchical-block system. Addition of such models with system of strength criteria reflecting mechanisms of shear-tension of destruction at strong compression, should become the forecasting base of preparation of the geodynamic phenomena. The methods of detection of the precursors including as precursors developed on the basis of these representations, falling into source, and to near the source areas, have multichannel character. It is defined by conditions, on the one hand, independence of such systems of precursors, and, with another one – a simultaneity and synchrony of the submitted signals serving by precursors.