标题:As relações entre a arquivologia e as humanidades digitais: a literacia arquivística como meio de interação arquivo e comunidade no acesso à informação | The relations between archival science and the digital humanities: archival literacy as a means of interaction archive and community in the access to information
其他标题:The relations between archival science and the digital humanities:
archival literacy as a means of interaction archive and community in
the access to information
出版社:Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Inofrmação e Conhecimento (LIINC)
其他摘要:It points out some relations between the
fields of Archival Science and the Digital
Humanities. It exposes the notion of
archival literacy as a means of
reconceptualizing the archives and the
interaction between archival institutions
and the community, through the sharing
of archival knowledge, in order to offer
archival users a set of skills that will help
to empower research and access to
information. It is characterized as a
research of exploratory nature, with a
qualitative character and that uses as a
procedure the bibliographic revision to
fulfill its objectives. The results point to
the existence of points of relationship
between Archival Science and the Digital
Humanities, with the notion of archival
literacy as an important function in the
access and use of archives.
其他关键词:Archival Science; Digital
Humanities; Archival Literacy; Information Literacy; Archival Institution.