标题:O Marco Civil da Internet e a Ciência da Informação: uma discussão sobre os softwares livres AtoM e Archivematica | The Internet Civil Rights Framework and Information Science: a discussion of AtoM and Archivematica software
其他标题:The Internet Civil Rights Framework and Information Science: a
discussion of AtoM and Archivematica software
出版社:Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Inofrmação e Conhecimento (LIINC)
其他摘要:The Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for
the Internet is the first legislation in the
world to regulate the Internet broadly and
non-restrictively; and it respects the
principles of complex, sustainable, open
Internet. The research problem of this
article is: how is Information Science (IS)
contemplated in the legal
recommendations? This study presents a
theoretical framework on what the Civil
Rights Framework advocates, relating it to
IS, and then presents two examples of
open software that can contribute to its
operationalization. The study concludes
that IS cannot be excluded from the
discussions on the Framework and
suggests, for further studies,
investigations that reflect on the design of
digital environments in which information
is deposited and its relation to the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the
其他关键词:Information and
Technology; Web 2.0; AtoM;Archivematica;
Information Design.