标题:A referenciação em textos do YouTube: um estudo com vistas à análise de sentimentos | Referenciation in YouTube Texts: a study for Sentiment Analysis
其他标题:Referenciation in YouTube Texts: a study for Sentiment Analysis
出版社:Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Inofrmação e Conhecimento (LIINC)
其他摘要:This article describes a study about the
phenomenon of referenciation by using a
textual corpus extracted from YouTube.
The purpose is to verify how the referents
appear in positive, negative, or neutral
posts and how this verification can affect
the techniques directed to automated or
semi-automated sentiment analysis. We
applied content and discourse analysis as
research methods, and statistical analysis
software for the collection of word
frequencies. The conclusion is that the
identification of communication and
information aspects, such as the most
used referents, the non-purity of positive
and negative posts, and the need to
create a criterion for interpreting textual
data can improve sentiment analyses
其他关键词:Sentiment Analysis; Content
Analysis; Corpus; Reference.