标题:Autoria, propriedade e compartilhamento de bens imateriais no capitalismo cognitivo | Authorship, property and sharing of immaterial goods in cognitive capitalism
其他标题:Authorship, property and sharing of immaterial goods in cognitive capitalism
出版社:Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Inofrmação e Conhecimento (LIINC)
其他摘要:One of the main current political and economic disputes concerns the forms of
circulation of immaterial goods through communication networks. In this article, we bring what
we consider to be the bottom line in this struggle, namely the shift in the contemporary notion of
authorship. First, we will reflect on the historicity of this concept showing its variation through
different times and cultural contexts. Secondly, we will analyze the dynamics of cognitive
capitalism and its implications in this scenario. Finally, we will turn to the concept of commons
as a possible definer of what is at stake in this conflict.