标题:Dados, formas, cores e informação: um estudo sobre construção e análise na infografia │ Data, shapes, colors and information: a study on construction and analysis in infographics
其他标题:Data, shapes, colors and information: a study on construction and
analysis in infographics
出版社:Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Inofrmação e Conhecimento (LIINC)
其他摘要:We reflect on the importance of
infographics and information
visualization, key issues for information
design. Infographics are types of complex
graphic representation that facilitate
understanding the content; these
representations are being increasingly
used in various information
environments. We present a conceptual
and historical survey of computer
graphics, identifying the actors involved
in infographic production. Presented here
is the theory of Engelhardt's graphic
syntax, in order to provide tools to
identify the mechanisms in graphic
representations in general. This was the
method chosen for the case study
proposed in this research. In the analysis,
we found the proper use of graphic
objects in the graphical part evaluated as
a whole, starting with the choice of
typography that focuses on readability
and also the choice of colors used. We
were able to identify all the basic
structures of syntax of the method used,
relations between objects were used
properly (grouping, separation, alignment, bonding, containment and
overlap) as well as the appropriate use of
significant space on the page to distribute
content, producing a unity in the piece
while creating a hierarchy of information
from variations in the typographical visual
attributes and the pictorial
representations used. Furthermore, as
regards the meaning of the graphic
objects, we identified a predominant use
of reference information and few
decorative objects, making it more
functional for the choice of objects that
are essential in the production of
knowledge by the reader.
其他关键词:Information Design;
Infographics; Graphic representation;
Data visualization; Information science.