Abstract The goal is to analyze the challenges of active mobility in service innovation context, based on these case studies: São Miguel Paulista and Santana reduced speed zones and Joel Carlos Borges complete street project. From the service innovation perspective based on new competences and techniques of service provider, the case studies contributed to develop public sector competences related to impact evaluation methodologies and urban reading methodology, resulting in a systemic view on the uses, local dynamics and behavioral aspects of the users. These competences are associated with tactical urbanism practice as a technique for temporary urban interventions. The criteria implemented in the projects are aligned with the National Urban Mobility Policy but are still limited to actions for changing cars speed limit and for horizontal signaling for limiting the perimeter of these areas. No introduction of cycling treatment services has been identified. Therefore, many potential benefits have been listed to carry on with the introduction of innovations for the improvement and scale-up of public services for non-motorized transportation following the paradigm of sustainable urban mobility