摘要:Public outreach and accessare becomingmoreand moreimportantacross institutions of highereducation. Sustainableinformation technology approachesare necessary to communicateand preserve publiceducationmaterials generated as part ofthis newera of“outreach and engagement.”This paper describes the partnership between Oregon State University’s Extension Service publishing armand the Oregon State UniversityLibraries to make Oregon State University thefirst land-grant institution to systematically publish outreachmaterials using the university’s institutionalrepository. This partnership models howinstitutionalrepositoriescan be used to publish outreach products developed through faculty scholarship; the university’s outreachmaterialsarethus simultaneously digitally preserved and made discoverableand accessibleto a wide publicaudience. Intra-institutional partnerships, such as the one described in thecasestudy,can be mutually beneficialin thecurrentenvironment of limited resourcesand desireforcross-disciplinary collaboration.