摘要:Reported in thisarticleareinitialresults fromofalongitudinalstudy to characterizethe design cognition and cognitive design styles of high school students with and without pre-engineering courseexperience overa 2-year period,and to comparethemwith undergraduateengineering students. Theresearch followed a verbal protocolanalysis based on thefunction– behavior–structure(FBS) ontology, which employsatask-independent approach that is distinct fromatask-based oran ad hocapproach. Thisapproach to protocolanalysis isapplicableacrossany process-based viewof designing and generates results based on acommon comparative measureindependent ofthe design task. In thisarticle, Year 1 resultsare presented comparing only students in their junior year of high schoolwho had formal pre-engineering course experience(experiment group) with those who did not haveformal pre-engineering courseexperience(control group). Specifically, datacollected fromdesign sessions wereanalyzed forcomparison of design issuesand processes between experimentand control groups, respectively. Results fromanalysis ofYear 1 data did not revealany significant differences between theexperimentand control groups in engineering design cognition. Based on theseresults, one would concludethatstudents with pre-engineering courseexperience do not demonstrateastronger focus on the process of producing design solutions than do students withoutsuch experience. Although analysis of demographic datafromhigh school participants indicates some degree ofcommon prior preengineering experiences, it did not provideasufficientexplanation for why no significant differences in engineering design thinkingwerefound between these groups. Theresearchersanticipatethat Year 2 data willindicatethatas the preengineering studentscontinueengaging in formalengineering design experiences during their final year of high school, some degree of difference in design cognitionwill be demonstrated.
关键词:design cognition; verbal protocolanalysis; high school preengineering.