摘要:The high cost of any traditional coal mines consists of many factors their operation, one which is basically drainage. In mines and sections Russia, on average, for each ton coal mined, more than 2 m3 water is pumped from mine workings to day surface. For this work, more than 10 thousand pumping units with a total installed capacity about 1 million kW are used at mining enterprises. Therefore, rational design and proper operation, in particular, drainage plants mining enterprises are important technical and economic tasks today and in future, which leads to increased production volumes and a transition to a new stage in development coal industry using new technologies. The application mining technology structure mine sites located on a coal mine is considered. The result is that at design stage it becomes possible to highlight use of water pumping measures only at stage preparatory mine workings, reducing production costs for equipment and its operation, volumetric work, mine workings for water collectors and allocation personnel from drainage site to more significant work . A comparative analysis of two options is given, in terms efficiency wastewater disposal, namely actual situation of a certain period at enterprise SUEK-Kuzbass JSC mine Taldinskaya Zapadnaya-2 and the use mine sites.